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The mission of Mars Hill Community Church has been given to us by Jesus:"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go there for and make disciples of all nations,baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit,teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold I am with you always to the end of the age." Matthew 28:18-20


In light of Jesus' words to His disciples, Mars Hill Community Church exists to invest our lives in sharing Jesus Christand grow His followers.




While our mission is why we exist, our values are what we do to accomplish our mission.  As Disciples of Jesus Christ, our values are key commitments to which we are resolutely devoted and virtues in which we aspire to grow both individually and corporately.


Prayerfully Dependent

Cultivate relationship with God through regular prayer

Our efforts are in vain if we are not abiding in Christ through prayer.  Prayer is the common thread that runs through all areas of our Christian walk. Through prayer we can pursue a relationship with God that is both intimate and dependent.


Ministry Minded

Actively develop and deploy spiritual gifts to serve the others.

When most of us think of ministry, we immediately think of "professional" ministers.  However, the Scripture clearly teaches that every disciple of Jesus is also a minister. The Holy Spirit grants unique gifts to all born again Christ followers.  These gifts are meant to be deployed in the body of believers to help the body mature and grow.


Biblically Centered

Be defined and directed by God's Word

The Bible is God’s holy, inerrant word. God’s word serves as the foundation of our life and it is essential to understanding God, mankind, history, and life in general. The Bible is truth that rightly defines us and directs us in all areas of our lives.


Missionally Engaged

Seeking opportunities to have gospel conversations locally and globally

The Church is the hope of the world.  We have been entrusted as ambassadors with the message of reconciliation.  Therefore, our ultimate motive in every relationship is to embody and proclaim the life giving message of hope and restoration only found in Jesus.  We accomplish this by actively seeking to create "God-space" in all our relationships through loving service and conversation.


Relationally Connected

Build authentic Relationships of Encouragement and Accountability

All of us have a deep longing for community in our lives. We need others in our live and cannot be all that God has intended us to be without significant, meaningful relationships with others.  It's in authentic relationships with others that we can look most like Jesus.


Courageously Generous

Living as a faithful steward, rather than an owner, of resources entrusted to us. 

Jesus identifies wealth as one of the primary competitors for our heart's affection.  As a disciple of Jesus we must regularly remind ourselves that we are simply managers of our resources rather than owners.  We give to the purposes and work of God not to gain anything from Him but to demonstrate our gratitude and trust.  We regularly need to be challenged to courageously give. When we do, we will see God's faithful provision and love.

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