Sermon Discussion
Below you'll find the pastor's presentations associated with each sermon along with discussion questions for your Life Group to use in response to each week's sermon.
Matthew 1
"To Us a Son is Given, pt. 2: A Royal Lineage"
Pastor Aaron Crawford
What stood out to you today?
Do you have anyone in your family tree that stands out for any reason?
What name or names stood out to you the most as we worked through Jesus’ lineage in Matthew chapter 1? Why did they stand out?
The first big point from the sermon was that the genealogy reminds us that all (even outsiders) are welcomed into the family and kingdom of God. What does that truth stir in you? Who are the “outsiders” / “lost” that you are around on a daily basis that need to know this truth?
This genealogy also highlights God’s faithfulness despite His chosen people’s continual sin, rebellion and unfaithfulness. It is a list of names that speaks to God’s abundance of mercy and grace toward His image bearers. How have you seen this truth in your own life? Where have you experienced His grace recently?
Matthew 1 also reminds us that while God may take His time (according to our perspective), He still keeps His word. What are some biblical examples of this? How have you experienced this truth in your own life?
Colossians 2:8-10
"Colossians, pt. 8: Fulfilled"
Pastor Tom Gray
What stood out to you this week?
What are some “traditions of men” (v. 8) that hold a lot of weight with people that can distract us from Jesus?
What are some things that you look to for “fulfillment” in life?
Security, significance, and acceptance are the three foundational elements of fulfillment. How do we see these three things demonstrated in Christ’s work and love for us?
What has been your experience with leaning into source issues (where we look for fulfillment) and seeker issues (our own selves) over Christ?
What did you learn from those moments?
Full surrender is necessary for finding that total fulfillment in Christ. Why do you think the idea of fully surrendering to Jesus is so difficult for so many people?
Colossians 2:4-7
"Colossians, pt. 7: Our Heads"
Pastor Tom Gray
What stood out to you this week?
How does community (the church) help us in our growth of knowledge of Gods word?
How often do you actively think of the enemy and his plan to deceive and divide?
How have you seen the enemy at work in or around you? What made you realize that it was the enemy attacking?
Why do you think truth and love are the best antidotes to the enemy’s attacks?
Why do you think “well reasoned”, yet slightly false, arguments are so attractive? How do we strengthen our discernment in these areas?
Read Colossians 2:7. Why is this so important to everything we have discussed today?
Tom challenged us to “keep it simple” with the fundamentals of our faith. What are those fundamentals that you find easy to forget? Why is reminding ourselves of these simple truths so important?